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Internet of Things Technologies and Applications
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Internet of things / M2M
Andrej Kos
June 2014
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Internet of Things Technologies and Applications
Andrej Kos
, 2014
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Internet of things / M2M
Peter Boras
, 2014
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Slide contents
Internet of Things Technologies and Applications
Internet - Yesterday
Internet - Today
Internet - Tomorrow
Mobile data growth
Internet in your pocket
Internet stvari
Kaj je “Internet stvari”?
Internet of Things
2020 – 30 milijard naprav v Internetu
IoT Tehnologije
Zbiranje velikih količin podatkov
"Podatki" še niso "razumevanje"
IoT – Getting Started
The Internet of Things
Internet of Things
Internet of Things Platforms
What does an IoT platform do?
Our IoT platform
Our IoT platform
Overview of other platforms
Platforms - COSM
Platforms - Exosite
Platforms – FI-Ware
Platforms - ioBridge
Platforms - Inhand
Platforms - Libelium
Platforms - Numerex
Platforms – Open MTC
Platforms – Sen.se
Platforms - Tendril
Platfoma - Thinkworks
Internet of Things Applications
IoT apps ... in general
Pametni promet
Avtonomna vozila
Avtonomna vozila
Spremljanje onesnaženosti
Spremljanje hrupa
Pametna energetika
Pametno bivalno okolje
Lifx: povezana žarnica
Gibanje "Quantified Self"
Wearable computing včeraj
Wearable computing danes
Wearable computing danes
Wearable computing jutri
Druga dimenzija primera
IoT apps ... what we do in the area
Usage Scenarios
Real Time Acces Line Monitoring and Alarm Correlation
Access Line Monitoring
DSL Line Parameters
Event Correlation
IPTV network health monitoring
What is IPTV
Monitoring is mandatory
Possible causes of errors
Existing approaches to monitoring
How it all fits together with a platform
Network Error Localization
Network Error localization
IPTV Location Based Reporting
Smart traffic monitoring
Smartcity Traffic
eHealh and Personal Well Being
Health in/and our society
How digitized am I?
How digitized am I?
How digitized am I?
How digitized am I?
How does it all look today?
How would I want it to look like?
Context-aware Chronic Stress Recognition
How would I want it to look like?
How does it all look today?
How would I want it to look like?
Context-aware Chronic Stress Recognition
Training a model
Context-aware Chronic Stress Recognition
Training a model