start:Something Fall 2013

Value Proposition Canvas

  • Kristjan Pečanac
  • September 2013

Slide contents

  • “discover the unexplored”
  • "targeting -> segmentation -> positioning"
  • Customer profiling process
  • Segmentation –Top down Customer profiling - Bottom Up
  • New market
  • Early adapters pyramid
  • Customer type
  • What are they really buying?
  • Emotions
  • Emotions
  • Emotions
  • Customer buying process
  • Customer buying cycle
  • Importance for business buyer
  • Web/mobile stages
  • Mapping Customer Perception
  • Mapping Content to the Buying Cycle
  • Buying Process Map
  • Lead Funnel Process
  • Customer journey mapping
  • Customer experience journey
  • Motive
  • Feelings
  • Journey
  • Visitors Flow
  • Customer journey mapping game
  • Processes & Tools
  • Storyboard
  • Storyboard
  • Stories, Triggers, Scenarios, Feelings
  • Comic
  • Influence Map – Empathy Map
  • B2B
  • Steve Blank: Build the Organization Map
  • Steve Blank: The Influence Map
  • 6 elements > 6 questions
  • Homework
  • Earlyvangelist P/F/B
  • Influence Map
  • Empathy Map
  • Value proposition - MVP
  • Value proposition model
  • From market to competitive advantage
  • Value proposition model
  • Earlyvangelist P/F/B
  • Value proposition canvas
  • Value proposition's
  • Cost - Risk - Benefit
  • Business model canvas + Value proposition canvas
  • Business model canvas + Value proposition canvas
  • Why, How, What?
  • assumptions
  • Value proposition designer
  • Uniqueness
  • Value Audit
  • the challenge: balancing act
  • the challenge: balancing act
  • Sample customer Discovery Scorecard
  • Product Channel
  • Product Positioning Statment Template
  • Customer Funnel
  • Savings calculator
  • MVP - Minimal Viable Product
  • Minimal Viable Product
  • Minimal Viable Product
  • The four levels of selling points
  • minimum + Viable
  • Keep it simple
  • MVP
  • The value of launching an exceptional product vs. an MVP
  • Cash - Time
  • Viable
  • Roadmap
  • MVP
  • VPC
  • Product Creation
  • Entrepreneurship Science and …
  • The Art of Product Creation
  • The Art of Product Creation
  • Zen and the art of motorcycle maintenance
  • Curiosity gave life to creativity
  • Value Creation
  • "Everything you can imagine is real." Pablo Picasso
  • Keep it simple
  • Design thinking
  • Design thinking process
  • Design thinking process
  • Iron triangle
  • Conditions
  • how to brainstorm: Rules
  • Canvasing - Tools and Processes
  • Systematically test your model
  • BMC
  • Lean Canvas
  • Concept design
  • Driving trends
  • BMC Product Canvas
  • Product Increment MVP
  • Product Vision
  • Product Vision
  • Lean Canvas
  • Design your own canvas
  • Service bluprint
  • Service bluprint
  • Service bluprint
  • Service bluprint
  • Earlyvangelist P/F/B
  • VPC
  • Reserved
  • Lean Startup
  • User Group
  • Personal Development
  • Part 2: Customer side
  • Part 2: Customer side
  • Part 2: Customer side
  • Part 2: Customer side
  • VPC