Slide contents
- Customer profiling
- A good business model...
- targeting ~> segmentation ~> positioning
- The customer profiling process
- Segmentation – Top down Customer profiling – Bottom Up
- New market
- Earlyvangelist pyramid
- Customer types
- What are they really buying?
- Emotions
- Emotions
- Emotions
- Customer buying process
- Customer buying cycle
- Importance for business buyer
- Web/mobile stages
- Mapping Customer Perception
- Mapping Content to the Buying Cycle
- Buying Process Map
- Lead Funnel Process
- Customer journey mapping
- Customer experience journey
- Feelings
- Journey map
- Journey map
- Customer journey mapping game
- Visitors Flow
- Customer journey map
- Processes & Tools
- Storyboard
- Storyboard
- Stories, Triggers, Scenarios, Feelings
- Journey map
- Stories, Triggers, Scenarios, Feelings
- Storyboard
- Storyboard
- Influence Map – Empathy Map
- B2B
- Steve Blank: Build the Organization Map
- Steve Blank: The Influence Map
- 6 elements > 6 questions
- Homework
- Earlyvangelist P/F/B
- Influence Map
- Empathy Map